
Family violence and parenting styles in the Caribbean Netherlands (2022 – 2024).

This project was funded by the Ministry of Health and aimed to provide a baseline assessment of violence in the family context of the Caribbean Netherlands, providing island-specific information about attitudes and practices that may inform policies that can effectively enact the principles of the Convention of the Rights of the Child and the Istanbul Convention. Conducted together with Ton Liefaard (Leiden Law School), Merel Griffith-Lendering and Tamara Salsbach (University of Curacao) and supported by Johan Kruip (UNICEF).


The parenting origins of prejudice (2017-2023):

The parenting origins of prejudice (2017-2023): a study on the role of parents in the development of interethnic prejudice in children, including White Dutch, Turkish-Dutch, and Afro-Dutch families. Funded by an NWO-Vici grant awarded to Judi Mesman. This project led to the book Opgroeien in Kleur (Mesman, 2021). PhD students Ymke de Bruijn, Daudi van Veen and Fadime Pektas. Co-supervised by Rosanneke Emmen.


Risky beginnings (2014-2019): This study examined trajectories from maternal and paternal characteristics from before the birth of a child to the quality of parent-child interactions in early life in relation to child cognitive development in toddlerhood.

The study was funded by an NWO-ORA grant and carried out as a collaborative project with New York University (PI Clancy Blair) and Cambridge University (PI Claire Hughes). PhD students Mi-lan Woudstra, Marjolein Branger and Wei Li, co-supervised by Rosanneke Emmen.


SIMCUR (2009-2014): Social Integration of Migrant Children: Uncovering Family and School Factors Promoting Resilience.

The aim of the project was to uncover the processes underlying developmental resilience in children from Turkish migrant families during the transitions to primary and secondary education in three European countries: The Netherlands (co PI Rien van IJzendoorn), Norway (co-PI Britt Oppedal), and Germany (co-PI Birgit Leyendecker). The project was funded by a NORFACE grant. PhD students Rosanneke Emmen, Marielle Prevoo and Nihal Yeniad.